Camembert and Potato Soup
Yes, I know it's only Tuesday and only two days after my last soup-making foray, but I haven't gone back to work yet. I have time on my hands and food in the fridge to be put to good use. I'm having a thrift extravaganza: today I made turkey stock with the bone of the turkey leg the spouse bought the other day and any carrots, celery, spring onions and other items that were beginning to fade. I used the scraps of turkey meat to make a delicious turkey and red onion flan (the red onions were substituted for the leeks suggested in the recipe, but what do I care when I'm using up vegetables?).
The Soup Book recipe calls this soup Camembert and celeriac soup with cranberry swirl, but in her introduction Carolyn Humprhies suggests substituting potatoes. I didn't have celeriac but I did have potatoes. And I was being thrifty. Other ingredients include onion, chicken or vegetable stock (I used my freshly made turkey stock), milk, Camembert and cream. The final touch is the cranberry swirl, which is made from cranberry sauce (we had two unopened jars in our store cupboard), cranberry juice and sunflower oil. The tart swirl is a good foil for the rich and creamy soup in terms of both taste and appearance. It was difficult to photograph the end product because the spouse's camera lens steamed up when he put it close to the bowl! Now, I know MH will be displeased by this short blog entry, but I have baking to do for the older offspring's birthday.
Camembert and potato soup with cranberry swirl |
I was not displeased! MH