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Showing posts from January, 2018

Back to the Blog

Last night I watched the film Julie and Julia which was the original inspiration for this blog. I'd forgotten what a good story it was. It inspired me to get back to writing. Long-term readers (if there are any) might recall that I began by working my way through The Soup Book (edited by Sophie Grigson). I completed 170 of the 200 recipes and decided to leave it at that.  Cherry almond cake (November 2017) Last year I revisited some of the recipes in The Soup Book but my primary venture was baking. I tried  out over seventy (yes, 70) recipes. There were a few personal favourites: pear and cardamom upside-down cake, raspberry squares, Brunswick buns, Bronte Aurell's banana cake, amaretti plum cake, pecan toffee shortbread, cherry almond cake (pictured) and Nigella's Christmas rocky road. My apple crumble cake received a first prize and best exhibit in the cookery class at a local show and my colleagues regularly benefited from my culinary adventures. Even the one...