This afternoon (Good Friday, 2nd April) the spouse and I strolled down the road to the next "village" to order canapes for our forthcoming party. We lingered at the book shop where we enjoyed a quiet pot of tea. I happened to notice on an adjacent bookshelf a copy of The Georgics I referred to in my blog of 16th January (My Secret Life with Bees in Literature). I glanced through it and saw the section in which Virgil writes about the care of bees. I hummed and hawed about whether or not to buy a copy, but didn't in the end.
The birthday of someone I referred to in my blog of 6th February is coming up soon - that's why I went into the book shop: to buy a birthday card. Of course I picked out one with an illustration including a bee hive! The picture is a coloured pencil drawing of a garden by an artist called David Suff. On the card (published by Two Bad Mice - it's entitled"Beehive", but on Suff's website it's "Seeds of Memory" (see
On another blog site I've just come across a blog entitled White House Beekeeper and some some attractive illustrations featuring bees. Check this out (I hope the links work):
Observing the Work of Bees in the Land of Bilk and Honey.
I also like L. Young's bee illustrations shown on
Queen Bee Syndrome
During the week I read about Queen Bee Syndrome. Essentially it is said to affect those women who do not like to work with other women (or else compete with them to be slimmer, prettier, etc), prefer to report to male managers and, having attained a senior position themselves, do not help other women. Hmm!
Aside: I've added the Vanishing of the Bees page on my social networking site to my pages!
Honey-Dipped Points?
When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. - Arab proverb.
The birthday of someone I referred to in my blog of 6th February is coming up soon - that's why I went into the book shop: to buy a birthday card. Of course I picked out one with an illustration including a bee hive! The picture is a coloured pencil drawing of a garden by an artist called David Suff. On the card (published by Two Bad Mice - it's entitled"Beehive", but on Suff's website it's "Seeds of Memory" (see
On another blog site I've just come across a blog entitled White House Beekeeper and some some attractive illustrations featuring bees. Check this out (I hope the links work):
Observing the Work of Bees in the Land of Bilk and Honey.
I also like L. Young's bee illustrations shown on
Queen Bee Syndrome
During the week I read about Queen Bee Syndrome. Essentially it is said to affect those women who do not like to work with other women (or else compete with them to be slimmer, prettier, etc), prefer to report to male managers and, having attained a senior position themselves, do not help other women. Hmm!
Aside: I've added the Vanishing of the Bees page on my social networking site to my pages!
Honey-Dipped Points?
When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. - Arab proverb.

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